
Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Dangers of Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks

The holidays are a chaotic time of the year, making us all crave a little pick-me-up here and there. It might be an extra cup of coffee in the morning or, in the case of many young adults, an energy drink in the afternoon.

Most people know that sugar is bad for oral hygiene, but what about their sugar-free alternatives? Nearly all research will tell you that regardless of your choice, both choices will make your teeth will take a turn for the worst.

A Quick Case Study

Earlier this year, a former college student reported that his addiction to energy drinks caused his teeth to decay over time and crack while he was eating, resulting in 24 fillings and dentures. Even though he kept up with his normal oral care routine, it was not enough to prevent the irreversible damage to his teeth.

He may seem like an outlier, but more teens and young adults are suffering from energy drink addiction. This has resulted in an increasing number of patients with rotting teeth, disrupted sleep patterns, emergency room visits, and more.

Sports Drinks vs. Your Teeth

Energy drinks are not the only unhealthy beverage that teens and young adults have come to depend on. There are also a wide range of sports drinks that can lead to negative dental consequences when consumed regularly. Though you may be replenishing your body’s carbs and electrolytes, you are also increasing your chance of getting cavities. Consider balancing out how many of these drinks you consume by adding more water into the mix.

The Culprit

So, what makes energy drinks and sports drinks so bad for you? You feel more alert, productive, and resilient when you drink them – do the cons really outweigh the pros?

Both of these popular drink categories contain a high level of acid, which erodes the protective layers of your teeth – enamel and dentin. Other common ingredients in these beverages can result in teeth staining, higher blood pressure, anxiety problems, and weight gain.

The Takeaway

There is no doubt that sports drinks and energy drinks can benefit you in the short term. If you’re a college student, athlete, full-time worker, or generally just a busy person, they can help you stay focused and boost your stamina. But when you’re feeling good in the moment, you also have to remember how these drinks are impacting your long-term dental care. Is your addiction to these acidic beverages really worth the smile you’ve worked so hard to take care of?

The next time you get a craving, try to find another way to channel your energy. Start to exercise regularly or balance your diet with vitamin and mineral supplements. You won’t notice an immediate change, but it will positively impact your dental health and overall wellness in the long run.

Keep in mind that if you’re consuming several of these beverages a day, it is not a good idea to quit “cold turkey.” This can result in unwanted withdrawal symptoms like headaches, depression, and irritability. Contact our dental professionals today for more advice on how to protect your teeth and gums for years to come.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dental Tips Your Mind & Body Will Thank You For This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost here, the holiday that makes us think about all the people and things we are thankful for. But it’s also a time when you should start practicing your own self-evaluation and reflection.

Have you been repeating the same bad habits? Are on track to achieve the dental and health goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?

In the spirit of the holiday, here are some dental tips and best practices your mind & body will thank you for.

Start Confronting Your Fears

Change isn’t just scary, it’s something we are programmed to resist. Going through with a dental procedure or finding a new provider can lead to fear and anxiety. However, the more you delay making important decisions, the more you’re neglecting your overall health. Confront your personal fears head-on so you can move forward with confidence. Making one positive decision related to your health has a tendency to spill over into the other areas of your life.

Stop Avoiding Your Problems

Living with fear around your oral health and living with a real problem are two different things. You might be worried that your smile will lose its allure over time, but that isn’t evidence of a treatable condition. So, on top of confronting your dental fears, you need to be willing to take action on the things that are happening right now. Whether it’s a cavity, gum disease, or even a cracked or broken tooth, make a commitment to get it taken care of. By continuing to avoid these dental problems, you’ll only give them room to get worse.

Set High Standards for Yourself

The standards we set for ourselves dictate the level of respect and care we expect to receive. For example, if you are willing choose a dental care provider with a mediocre reputation, you’re going to live with the same degree of service. Do your research and invest in highly trained clinicians and dentists who genuinely care about your well-being. When we make ourselves a priority, we become better caretakers for our loved ones.

Get to the Root of What’s Holding You Back

What’s holding you back from living your best life? Are you worried about the time and money you’ll have to invest in your oral or general health? Or, are you trying to avoid the stress that comes with a change in your routine? Perhaps your trigger is taking time off work or being embarrassed around your peers, friends, or family. Once you identify what’s holding you back, consult with a professional to find the right solution. Maybe having an honest conversation, working out a payment plan, or addressing your insurance concerns is all you need to break free from your own limiting beliefs.

Think About Your Long-Term Goals

Taking care of problems in the moment is important, but so is thinking about your long-term dental and health goals. Have you been experiencing changes in your diet or lifestyle recently? Are you expecting to start a family in the next few months or even years? Having an answer to these questions – even if you don’t have it all figured out – will help you build an action plan for the future. Considering choosing a family-oriented dental practice who can be there for you now and when your life takes a turn (for the better or worse).

Most of us have a lot to be thankful for this time of the year – our friends and family, our careers, and more. But what about your own mind and body? Here’s some food for thought: if you looked in the mirror right now, is that someone you would want to say “thank you” to? It’s easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by our hectic lives, but sometimes you need to slow down and make yourself a priority. Contact out dental professionals today so we can help you get your oral health back on track.

Happy Thanksgiving from Kabani Dental in Marietta!


Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to NOT Make Halloween Your Teeth’s Worst Nightmare

Happy Halloween from Kabani Dental!

It’s one of the most beloved holidays of the year for children, but their teeth’s worst nightmare. It can even be a temptation for otherwise healthy adults when there is an abundance of candy lying around the house.

While we want you to join everything the season has to offer, we encourage you to be mindful of the treats you and your loved ones are enjoying. Here are some tips on how to protect your teeth, and those of your visitors, for many more holidays to come.

Hand Out Mindful Portions

Even we remember how exciting it was to get a full-size candy bar on Halloween night. For many families, having the best decorations or candy selection has become a full-blown competition. Try not to overdo it by loading your trick-or-treaters up with sugar – this can have negative, long-term effects on their dental health. Set a good example in your neighborhood by keeping the sweets to a minimum and promoting good oral hygiene. They’ll thank you for it later.

Look into Sugar-Free Alternatives

Did you know there are sugar-free alternatives for many of the brand names you know and love? Hershey, Reese’s, Jolly Rancher, Jelly Belly… the list goes on. Consider losing the sugar this Halloween and handing out something more enamel-friendly. You can purchase sugar-free candy at your local connivence store or through online retailers like Amazon. It will still have an impact on teeth and gums, but at least you’ll be making an active effort to cut back on sugar.

Consider a New Approach

Not all party favors come in the size and shape of a candy wrapper. Young children will be equally happy with a healthier substitute, like a Halloween-themed pencil, sticker, or ring. Keep in mind that many of them will already have a pillowcase full of candy, so they might actually enjoy something different and exciting.

Stick with Your Routine

There’s a lot going on during Halloween night. Kids are up past their curfew (in no thanks to the sugar high they’re likely experiencing), you’re trying to restore order to your wrapper-filled living room, and you may get some late-night trick-or-treaters. But don’t let all of the chaos and excitement of the evening distract you from practicing good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth before bed will help remove the sugars and starches that you have accumulated throughout the night.

It’s important to be mindful of your dental health throughout the year, but particularly during the holiday season. It’s the easiest time to get distracted and break from your dental care routine, whether it’s intentional or not. We wish you a very Happy Halloween once again and hope to see many of you in the near future!


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Key Features Every Dentist Office Should Have

High-quality dental care is about more than providing a service, it’s about cultivating a positive experience. Roughly half of dental care patients make an appointment at least once a year, despite the majority of Americans believing their oral health is important.

Here are a few things every dentist office should have to make each visit more enjoyable.

Open Dialogue

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your dentist, there’s a good chance you’ll withhold information. It’s easy to tell “white lies” to your dentist – especially when you’re switching providers or trying to account for lost time – but you shouldn’t feel the need to. Feel confident in knowing that you can have an honest conversation with your dentist without fearing any repercussions (i.e. guilt or embarrassment).

Respect for Privacy

Receive treatment from someone who will respect your privacy and any personal boundaries you set. This includes creating a healthy balance between your dental care and overall lifestyle without any negative consequences. Don’t feel pressured into making any decisions that don’t align with your long-term health goals – find a dental care provider that you genuinely trust to be considerate of your individual needs.

Professional Office Space

Our work spaces are often a reflection of our own lifestyles. If you walk into a messy, unsanitary, or outdated office, this could be a warning sign of subpar dental service. Pay attention to the office staff, décor, equipment, and any other indicators of professionalism. Go with your gut feeling – if you’re feeling unsettled walking into your appointment, consider rescheduling and taking the time to explore other options.

General Ambiance

On top of a clean, professional office space, the dentist you visit should make you feel welcome and relaxed. Is there music playing in the waiting room? Is there ample lighting and comfortable seating? The environment we’re in can often influence our thoughts and emotions. Surround yourself with people and places that make you feel good about the decisions you’re making. If you’re a dental care provider, creating the right ambiance is likely to boost your patient loyalty (or conversely harm your reputation).

Reliable Resources

Make sure your dentist has ample resources to provide you with high-quality care. Research the practice ahead of time to make sure they specialize in a wide range of dental services, as some are limited in capacity. On the day of your appointment, take note of the equipment (technology) being used and the efficiency of the staff. Are you a means to an end, or the center of attention? The resources invested in a practice will often speak to the values of the people behind the practice itself.

Visiting the dentist isn’t something that many people look forward to but minimizing the stress that comes with each visit can go a long way. Choosing the right dental care provider in Marietta will not only improve the quality of your care, it will also increase your accountability. When you start to alleviate the stressors of booking an appointment, you’ll also stop making excuses and start taking positive action. Our team puts a special emphasis on making your experience as smooth as possible while providing top-notch dental services to our patients.


Friday, October 4, 2019

5 Reasons Why You Might Have Sensitive Teeth

If you’re struggling with sensitive teeth and searching the internet for a solution, you’re not alone. It’s a common issue for many Americans and can happen to anyone. There are a number of reasons why it may occur, starting with some of your daily habits. The best way to plan your treatment is by getting to the root of the problem. So, if you’re one of the many million Americans struggling with sensitive teeth, here are some of the potential causes.

You’re Not Brushing Right

Using a toothbrush that is cheaply made or has hard bristles can lead to serious wear and tear. Doing so on a regular basis causes dentin – a major component of your teeth underneath the enamel layer – to be exposed. Consider easing up on your teeth or replacing your toothbrush entirely.

Your Gums are Recessing

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, can cause your gums to recess over time. This eliminates the protection your teeth have and ultimately leads to major dental care issues when left untreated. The more gum recession there is, the more sensitivity you will experience. Talk to your dental professional about a treatment plan with deep cleanings to get your gums back to a healthy state.

You’re Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding your teeth your teeth can lead to a number of bad outcomes, like headaches, ear aches, and increased tooth sensitivity. In some more serious cases, it can even lead to tooth loss. Since it often occurs during sleep, many people don’t realize the severity of the problem before a new one manifests. Continual grinding will cause your teeth to break down and increase the potential for greater dental issues to arise.

You’re Consuming Acidic Food and Beverages

Certain liquids and foods, including over-the-counter mouthwash, can be harmful on your teeth. Always consider the acidity of what you’re consuming because it creates a welcome environment for enamel reduction. Be cautious of processed foods, sugary beverages, and eating acidic fruits in excess. Strengthen your dental health by taking a more nutrient-rich approach to your diet.

You Have Flawed or Cracked Teeth

Teeth that are chipped, cracked, or otherwise flawed can generate more bacteria than those that are intact. Plaque buildup can lead to unwanted side effects like damaged enamel, cavities, and gum disease. Visit your dentist at least twice a year to ensure plaque is being removed regularly. Being proactive with your dental care will help prevent inflammation, tooth decay, and infections from occurring.

Having sensitive teeth doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not keeping up with your oral hygiene. It is a common problem that can be managed with the help of a dental professional. Letting your symptoms go untreated over time can lead to more serious dental problems that are stressful and costly. Bring your smile back to a healthy, beautiful state by contacting our dedicated team of professionals today.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Your Guide on Tooth Decay: Causes, Signs & Treatment

If you’ve been experiencing pain in your mouth or a chalky taste, there is a good chance you’re suffering from tooth decay. This dental problem can strike you at any time in your life, showing up in both childhood and adulthood.

So, how does it all begin?

Over time, your teeth begin to lose calcium and the enamel starts to break. This creates a welcome environment for the build-up of plaque, an acid-producing film that coats your teeth. When left untreated, the acidic properties in the plaque begins strip away your teeth’s defense and deteriorate your enamel.

Understanding the Tooth Decay Life Cycle

Tooth decay doesn’t simply happen overnight. In fact, it can take months or even years for this problem to cause enough damage for patients to take it seriously. It is a gradual process that could almost always be avoided if you’re proactive with your dental care. Unfortunately, many people let the symptoms progress before seeking the treatment they need.

In the beginning, you may just notice a sticky sensation in your mouth or a white spot on your tooth. This is a warning sign that your tooth or teeth are starting to weaken from the inside out. Early on, your mouth will work to naturally repair the problem with the minerals in your mineral in your bones and teeth. However, once the decay gets severe enough to break through the surface of your enamel, the damage will require the attention of a dental professional.

Eventually, the decay may reach the roots and nerves in your teeth. Older dental patients may experience this experience this problem even if they were proactive with their dental care because dental fillings tend to weaken over time. You may notice more tooth sensitivity when your mouth is exposed to hot or cold temperatures.

How to Fix Tooth Decay

There are a number of treatment options available to patients with tooth decay, regardless of the stage it’s in. Your dentist may suggest a deep cleaning, filling, or crown to treat the problem. Additionally, there are some best practices you can follow at home to minimize the damage and promote your oral health. Sticking to a healthy diet, using a fluoride toothpaste, and checking in with your dentist regularly have all proven to be beneficial.

While plaque build-up is treatable by a medical professional, severe gum disease is generally not curable. That’s why it is crucial to recognize tooth decay early on and tackle the problem at its core. It is always best to get the opinion of a specialist if you’re feeling any type of pain or discomfort in your mouth, as this could be an indicator of a more serious dental problem in the works. Contact our industry experts today to discuss how regular oral examinations and professional cleanings can help protect your dental health.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Kabani Dental, Trusted Dentist Marietta, Provides Top Dental Services

Top Dentist Marietta, Kabani Dental of Marietta, GA Offers High-Quality Dental Services

Kabani Dental is a top of the line dental practice located in Marietta, GA. This practice places a special emphasis on making one’s dental appointment as easy going and comfortable as possible while providing top of the line dental services. With a team that has over 30 years of experience and utilizes the most up to date practices, Kabani Dental provides the best service in the area.

Kabani Dental, Marietta Dentist

Kabani Dental of Marietta, GA is committed to maintaining a standard of excellence in a relaxed and family-oriented environment. This top of the line Georgia dentist attempts to hold themselves to this high standard which allows them to provide the quality of dental care that their patients truly deserve. At Kabani Dental, their experienced and dedicated staff offers comprehensive treatments which combine the most up to date restorative and cosmetic dentistry techniques so their patients achieve the level of treatment that they are seeking.

Kabani Dental focuses on their patients feeling comfortable and trusting the team on staff. With their highly trained clinicians and dentists who have been in this field for over 30 years, patients can be ensured that they are in good hands when they come to Kabani Dental. This highly experienced staff goes above and beyond to create a bond with their patients. Kabani Dental, the family dentist in Marietta, believes that by making each visit as comfortable and pleasant as possible, patients will have a more comfortable time visiting the dentist.

Marietta Dentist Services

When one visits Kabani Dental, they are offered and exposed to a variety of dental services. One type of dental service offered by Kabani Dental is general dentistry. General dentists are the principal providers of dental treatment to people of all ages. During a periodic visit with a general dentist, one will have an extensive assessment of their mouth, a skilled cleaning, and a conversation regarding one’s overall health, and the wellness of their mouth and teeth. The services offered by a general dentist are the foundation for deterring any oral complications. Whether one receives instructions to enhance their at-home dental focus or is suggested sealants, a general dentist from Kabani Dental wants to prevent any issues with their patients.

In addition to general dentistry, Kabani Dental dentists specialize in cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that enriches the aesthetic appeal and functionality of one’s teeth, mouth, and smile. This could be achieved by using porcelain veneers, crowns, dental implants, teeth whitening, or orthodontic practices. These cosmetic dentistry services also provide patients with the potential to alleviate headaches, make teeth easier to clean and maintain, and protect teeth from tooth decay.

About Kabani Dental

Kabani Dental is located at 1640 Powers Ferry Rd, Building 11-150, Marietta, GA and can be contacted via phone at 770-980-0432 or via email at For more information regarding their practice or the variety of dental services that they offer, visit their website at
